United Safety Agents works closely with Customs Brokers and freight forwarding providers to ensure that their clients comply with the Foreign Supplier Verification Program, are represented by a qualified FSVP Agent, and clear the FSVP-portion of Customs entry.
Contact USA to learn about partnership opportunities.


FSVP Agency coverage for manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, and non-resident importers of all food, beverage, and dietary supplements
Our services complement those of our partners – without overlap
This means that our NCBFAA partners can serve their clients with a wider range of clearance and compliance solutions.

We do not offer services that overlap or conflict with those of our NCBFAA partners.
We are not Customs Brokers, freight forwarders, Customs consultants, or filers
FSVP Compliance is mandatory. The importation or offering for importation of an article of food without an FSVP that meets the requirements of section 805 of the FD&C Act is prohibited. As provided by §1.514, FDA can impose a wide range of penalties that include Import Refusal, Warning Letters, or placement on Import Alert. Download U.S. CBP's Supplemental Guidance for the ACE System (ACE/ITDS) Version 2.5.1, April 10, 2018: here

Contact United Safety Agents to learn more about FSVP, its implications for your clients, and the ways in which FSVP Agency can complement and streamline your operation
United Safety Agents is at your disposal
Contact information will only be used to send results and will never be shared with third-parties.
All information is treated as confidential.